Whistleblower system

Correct and compliant behaviour is a top priority for the Roto Group. Our corporate success is based on integrity and compliance. In order to live up to this claim, it is important that we learn of potential misconduct which could have significant consequences for our company.



The purpose of our integrity line is to receive and process reports of actual and suspected infringements of laws, the internal control system (IKS) and other Roto directives as well as information on conduct which could cause significant economic damage to Roto or injure its reputation.

Every report is checked and followed up consistently. Investigation is carried out with the strictest confidentiality; if necessary, infringements can be reported anonymously. Moreover, we guarantee maximum protection for those reporting infringements, the parties involved and employees investigating the reports.



Report potential misconduct

You can pass on information


  • directly and confidentially or , if desired, anonymously, via the digital integrity line at https://roto.integrityline.com/, exchange documents and stay in contact via a separate mailbox; or

Important information on using the digital integrity line: you can make your report in any language, even if your preferred language is not listed. Persons reporting suspected misconduct can decide for themselves whether they wish to remain anonymous. The system has been audited for compliance with data protection laws.



Making a report

So that your report can be processed and investigated appropriately, it is important that the information you provide is as specific as possible. It is helpful if you consider the following basic questions when making your report:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • How?
  • Where?


It is also important to ensure that even persons from outside the specialist field can follow your report. For this reason, it is helpful if you remain available to answer further questions.


Roto Integrity Directive

For further information on handling reports to the integrity line, please refer to the Roto Integrity Directive, which you can access via a link within the digital integrity line.


Please note

The integrity line is not intended for general complaints, internal (personal) disputes and conflicts or for inquiries relating to products or warranty. In the case of general complaints, product or warrant inquiries, please contact the local Roto service unit; in the case of internal disputes or conflicts, please contact your line manager, the process owner or HR.
